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Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Power Of Darkness

Witch succumbs to power from above at Synagogue

A self-confessed witch was brought down to her knees at the Prophet TB Joshua led Synagogue Church of All Nations.

Some happenings sure have the trappings of the make-belief but the startling confessions of an alleged notorious witch who has been operating for several years in South Africa, has shown that there is always an end to evil.
The 34-year-old lady, Olipha Dube, is said to be a very prominent witch who manipulated a prominent pastor in her country into committing adultery with her several times, leading to the man of God being involved in a sex scandal that brought his ministry down but at the Synagogue Church of All Nations in Lagos, led by Nigeria's Prophet T.B Joshua, Dube's powers crashed as she allegedly confessed to her sins and was delivered from the powers of darkness.
While confessing, the lady who is of the Zulu tribe, a prominent tribe in South Africa, revealed that she had practised as a ‘sangoma’ or witch-doctor for many years, exposing some eerie secrets behind the mysterious ‘profession’.
Hear her:
"This is the time to expose the kingdom of darkness and what the devil is doing in so many people’s lives by deceiving them to believe that witchcraft, witch-doctors, herbalists and traditional healers have a solution."
The clip showed the pastor praying for During the deliverance conducted on her by Prophet Joshua himself, Dube, violently reacted and an uncanny voice was heard speaking out through her, identifying itself as ‘the great lion’.
"I have given her too many powers. I make her do anything I send her. I have given her wisdom to do what I want her to do, to break people’s marriages, to break homes. She is a witchdoctor."
The lady 'sangoma' explained that what led her into the dark world was when her professional career as a nurse nose-dived, prompting a friend to advise her to seek ‘alternative’ help.
According to her, the person she sought for help told her that she had a special gift from her ancestors who wanted her to be a witch doctor.
"He told me I had a gift from the ancestors and I was supposed to be a 'sangoma' myself. I agreed. At that time, I thought it was a solution."
The next step was for her to go for an ‘initiation school’, where incisions were made all over her body with several darkish substances known as ‘muti’ rubbed in so as to infuse with her blood.
"Those charms are to give you powers to see what other people don’t see, powers to be able to communicate with the spiritual world."
That was when her activities as a witch doctor began and to seek more powers, Olipha Dube went through another initiation.
"I paid a lot of money and he taught me how to use plants, herbs and trees – to mix them with animal parts – to produce whatever charms you wanted to."
She then built an altar in her bedroom, as well as erecting a house in her garden dedicated to paying homage to her ‘ancestors’.
"You would use that to store your charms and for consultation. Before I could speak to anyone in the morning, I had to speak to the ancestors at my altar. They would tell me how my day was going to be like - the challenges I was going to meet, the people that would come and see me, the charms to use to be able to succeed through the day.
I had powers in my eyes, tongue and all over my body. If you take a look at my body now, I have incisions everywhere, even in my private parts.
There is no consultation for free. We would first throw the bones on the floor and get information we want about the past, present and future. If the person really wants the problem solved, we would move to the next level where they would have to pay. The deeper the problem, the more the money."
To prepare a love charm, Dube said she used parts from a female dog to make them so that the bond between the man and the woman would not be broken easily.
"In this case, I would choose a female dog. We would wait for the time of mating to capture the dog. At that time, the dog is enraged and uncontrollable. You would remove the parts you require from that dog, dry them in the sun and mash them.
In fact, if people who consult witch doctors know what is being used to prepare those charms, they would run for their lives.
When people come, they just see powder – they don’t know that this is actually an animal. We would make an incision, put that animal together with other charms in the person’s body, in their blood.
That is going to produce the effect from the behavior of the dog in that person’s life. When the man she wants to marry sees her, something will just happen to him and he will lust after her.
The aim was to get people hooked. Once a person gets hooked, it’s impossible to get them out. The more you hunt for greater power, the more you expose yourself into deeper problems. You would even get to a level where you would go to those traditional healers who use human body parts to create charms.
At that stage, that is when people start moving from one witch-doctor to another because they think maybe your charms are not powerful enough. The more they go to witch-doctors, they more they use these charms, the more they go deeper and deeper into their problems."
Dube also revealed the rationale behind people having sexual encounters in their dreams.
"One of the best ways to create a problem in a person’s life is to get either a spiritual husband or a spiritual wife. This was best done in a graveyard.
If you wanted to raise a spiritual husband for a woman, you would randomly select any male grave, looking at the name of the tombstone.
Most importantly, you would have to buy this spirit. I would tell the spirit – ‘As from today, you are married to ‘so-and-so’. You are going to stay with her and perform all the duties a husband does to and for his wife.’
Soon afterwards, my client would come to me and say, ‘I am very happy – their life is in shambles. She lost her job. Her husband left her."
But despite her successes as a 'sangoma', Dube said she suffered personal losses s her finances were being crippled and she also had to consult the popular South African pastor.
"I lost my business and all of my assets. I was very upset, bitter and angry and decided it was time for me to find something else but I had not made the decision to find God because of the Christians that were also coming to me for consultation.
I saw all Christians as fake. I went to a lot of other herbalists, traditional healers and witchdoctors. Instead, my situation got worse and worse until I lost everything."
At this point, Dube visited the controversial South African Pastor Mboro of Incredible Happenings Ministries to seek ‘deliverance’. However, their relationship soon grew sour as Dube publicly accused him in the popular South African tabloid newspaper ‘Sunday World’ of abusing her and ‘sexploiting’ her personal problems for his own gratification, resulting in a contentious court case.
She was still not satisfied as she said that fear of the unknown kept growing in her ans at a time, she wanted to dump the witch profession but the ethics did not permit her.
"I was living in constant fear. I even gave my car away because I was too scared to drive. These spirits were always telling me that I was going to die. I knew that they were after my life."
That was when she was directed toward a Christian television station called Emmanuel TV, the media arm of the SCOAN.
"I was shocked. I saw people manifesting, talking about the very same things we would do to other people. I saw Prophet T.B. Joshua commanding the spirits to go out in one word. I saw people with the same problem that I had being helped and knew that this was where my solution would come from."
Olipha Dube then decided to visit the prophet for her own deliverance and that was where she had a dramatic experience when Prophet Joshua prayed for her.
"As the prophet was approaching me, I felt this big force that was blowing me. I felt something deep inside my tummy shifting and shaking my intestines in an uncontrollable way. Something told me to run away but a force planted me there and I could not run.
I just had to surrender right there. Before I knew it, this lady grabbed me, lifted me up and told me I was delivered. Since the deliverance, I have this peace inside of me. I can sleep. I am just in tranquillity.
I have a lot of advice for people. Firstly to Christians – ‘If you want to be a Christian, be a Christian’. People who go to traditional doctors and herbalists – hear it from me – there is no solution there.
You will finish your money and at the end of the day, it will eat up even things that you did not get through them.
There is no solution through herbalists, traditional healers or witchdoctors. The only solution is Jesus Christ."


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