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Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Sales reps forced to kneel in public for failing to meet target

The shamed execs in China were publicly humiliated for missing their targets as they were forced to kneel on a bridge and chant their apologies.

A group of sales representatives in China were forced to kneel on a bridge and apologise to their boss for failing to meet their target.
Pedestrians who were using the busy crossover bridge in the in the city of Xiamen, were shocked to see men and women in suits on their knees with messages in front of them showing their names, ages, and what their crime were.
According to Yahoo News, one of the humiliated sales reps with the name Zhen Liu had a handwritten message on the ground in front of him saying: "I failed to beat my sales targets."
Another sales rep, Ming Chou, had the message: "I have to kneel down on the bridge for one hour as punishment for not finishing my job," the description in front of him also revealed that he was 39 years old.
Photos of the sales reps kneeling have gone viral on the Internet after they uploaded by shocked observer, Zhu Ku.
"I saw people spread out across the bridge with their heads bowed, chanting they were sorry.
"There was no indication what sort of company they worked for but it certainly doesn’t look like a fun one. After a while one of them decided he’d had enough and stood up shouting and grabbing a piece of paper and throwing it on the ground before marching off. But the others remained, calmly accepting their punishment," 29-year-old," Zhu Ku told Yahoo News.

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